欢迎返校!Welcome Back to School!

大家好,希望大家都度过了一个愉快的暑假!本周日 9 月 8 日是中文学校 2024-2025 学年第一天上课。

停车场位于 Westwood 高中大楼后方,进入中文学校的入口处会有中文学校的 Logo 指引。

首先热烈欢迎以下几位新老师加入我们的教师团队:Ava Ng (双语 K 班),Yingzhuo Quan (双语 2-3 年级),Yi Tu(MLP 二年级),以及 Jian Wang 暂替 Hui Huang 教 MLP 9 年级!


除成人中文班外,其他中文课程的上课时间为上午 9:00 至 10:30。马立平班级的教材将会在课堂上发放。马立平一年级至九年级教材每套 $70,K 班教材每套 $60。请家长将书费准备好,由学生在领取教材时直接交给老师。若有调整班级的需求,麻烦家长提前告知孩子在确定班级后再拆封教材,已拆封的教材无法退还。老师们可以请助教协助记录教材收费情况。


以下 Google 表格的第一个 Tab 显示了教室、老师及助教的安排。根据接下来两周的班级情况,学校保留调整课程和教室的权利,感谢大家的理解与支持!


期待着周日9/8见到大家! 祝愿中文学校全体成员有一个健康平安成长收获的学年!

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a pleasant summer! This Sunday, September 8th, marks the first day of the 2024-2025 academic year at Chinese School.

The parking lot is located behind the Westwood High School building, and the entrance to the Chinese School will be marked with a logo for guidance.

First, a warm welcome to the following new teachers who have joined our teaching team: Ava Ng (Bilingual K class), Yingzhuo Quan (Bilingual 2-3 grade), Yi Tu (MLP 2nd grade), and Jian Wang, who will temporarily replace Hui Huang in teaching MLP 9th grade!

Upon entering the building, Chinese School staff will be at the entrance to greet you, answer any questions, and provide information on the location of each class (classroom doors will have course names posted). Families who have not yet completed their payments can do so on-site.

Except for the Adult Chinese class, all other Chinese courses will run from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. MLP class textbooks will be distributed in the classroom. The cost for the textbooks for MLP grades 1 to 9 is $70 per set, and for the K class, it is $60 per set. Please prepare the book fees in advance, and students can hand the fees directly to the teacher when receiving the textbooks. If you plan to adjust your child’s class, kindly remind them not to open the textbooks until the class is confirmed, as opened materials cannot be returned. Teachers may ask TAs to assist with recording the textbook payments.

Parents, please keep an eye out for emails or group messages. Some teachers may send mass emails before the school year starts, or invite parents to join the class WeChat group.

The first tab of the Google Sheet below shows the classroom, teacher, and TA assignments. The school reserves the right to adjust courses and classroom arrangements based on the class situations over the next two weeks. Thank you for your understanding and support!


Looking forward to seeing everyone this Sunday, September 8th! Wishing all members of the Chinese School a healthy, safe, and fruitful school year!

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Enrollment for 2024-2025 and Opening Positions

I hope you are enjoying the summer. Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year has been opened on our website. Please click the Registration tab to sign up. The registration fee will be waived if families register for the classes and send the payment before July 31.

If you are interested in participating in the teaching and management of the Chinese school, please contact me. We are currently looking for three Chinese teachers: two teachers for bilingual classes and one teacher for the MLP class.

Qualifications for Chinese Teachers:

  • Native or near-native proficiency in Mandarin Chinese.
  • Demonstrated ability to manage a classroom and effectively engage students.
  • A deep understanding of Chinese culture, history, and traditions.
  • A genuine passion for teaching the Chinese language and culture.

Qualifications for the Vice Principal Position: We also seek someone to fill the vice principal position.

  • Support the Principal in strategic planning and policy development.
  • Engage with the PTO to organize various events to foster a supportive educational environment, including summer readathon, speech contests, year-end performances, year-end BBQs, and more.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of the school’s educational programs.
  • Proven leadership and interpersonal skills.

Jieping(Grace) Li,

Principal of Westwood Chinese School 

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Thank you everyone & have a great summer!

First of all, I would like to thank all the teachers and parents for your support over the years. Some teachers have been with us since the school’s inception, and some parents continue to help even after their children have entered college.

Thank you to our school management team and PTO members for your dedication and unwavering support. I am truly grateful for this!

I would also like to thank the youth teachers and teaching assistants. You have enabled the school to offer a variety of extracurricular courses and maintain orderly teaching despite the shortage of staff.

A special thank you to our students; your interest and participation are the reasons why our Chinese school prospers.

Furthermore, I want to thank those who have silently supported the Chinese school in various ways, including our administrative staff and volunteers. I sincerely appreciate your support and help!

Of course, I also thank my family. Without their support, I wouldn’t have dared to take on the responsibility of running the Chinese school, even with my passion for promoting Chinese culture.

The Chinese school depends on everyone’s support and help. Let’s continue to strive and make the Chinese school even better! Let’s use this platform to learn Chinese culture and progress together!

Parents, please remind your kids to do their summer homework and participate in the summer readathon. Here is the link to download a copy of the Readathon Log:


Thank you again, everyone! Have a great summer!

Jieping Li,

Principal of Westwood Chinese School 

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