2019-2020 WCS Weekly Newsletter 26

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our mothers!

We hope this greeting finds all of you healthy and well. 

In years past, on Mother’s Day we would be celebrating our children’s Chinese language and extracurricular achievements together.  We would give anything to be doing that today!  But in these unprecedented times we should still celebrate our mothers and grandmothers with our families.

Much thanks to our teachers for continuing to teach our students online.  Much thanks to our parents for supporting their children’s language learning at home.

The other thing Westwood Chinese School does during this time of the year is prepare for the new school year.  For some semblance of normalcy, why shouldn’t we continue to do that? 

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On Sun., 5/17, registration for the 2020-2021 school year will open.  Please register by 7/31 and your registration fee of $50.00 will be waived.  Tuition will not be due until we get confirmation from Westwood School Administration of our opening day.  We will also address 2019-2020 refund of any language or extracurricular classes which were not provided online at that time.

If you have any concerns, please send an email to contact@westwoodcs.org .




若有任何疑问请电话/简讯 陈校长 781-366-1456


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