Greetings teachers, parents, and students,
This is the first Thanksgiving after the Westwood Chinese School (WCS) went back to in-person classes. In the past two and a half months, we are pleased to see that the variety of programs from the WCS have been carried out in an orderly fashion. Here, I sincerely thank the teachers, the school management staff, and the PTO members for their selfless dedication. I also thank the parents and volunteers who have actively supported the WCS and never hesitated to lend a helping hand. At the same time, I also thank the students for their uninterrupted efforts and persistence. You overcame the many difficulties of learning Chinese and have made continuous progress.
The Westwood Chinese School is a learning platform for all of us. Our goal is to promote Chinese learning and culture. I hope that everyone will continue to support the WCS, help the school overcome the impact of the pandemic, and continue to improve and adapt to everyone’s needs.
If you want to support the development of the WCS through donations, just click the Donating link on WCS website.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Jieping Li (Principal)
李捷萍 (校长)