About WCS

The Westwood Chinese School (WCS) is a non-profit organization. Its goal is to give students an opportunity to learn about the Chinese language and culture through learning programs and extracurricular classes in the fine arts, performing arts, and more. Our mission is to enrich the cultural understanding of our students by teaching them Mandarin Chinese, to instill a deeper understanding and appreciation for the cultures and customs of China and to encourage a broader vision of the world that allows our students to thrive in a global marketplace.

Our teachers are native Mandarin speakers who are experienced in teaching Chinese.  While we follow a curriculum for each language level, we also tailor classes to students’ needs, and provide opportunities for broader applications of the material learned in class.  We are excited about teaching Chinese and hope to impart that passion to our children.

The Westwood Chinese School is dedicated to providing students with opportunities to learn about the Chinese language and culture through various learning programs and extracurricular classes in the fine arts, performing arts, and more. Our mission is to enrich the cultural understanding of our students by teaching them Mandarin Chinese, instilling a deeper understanding and appreciation for the cultures and customs of China, and encouraging a broader worldview that enables our students to thrive in a global marketplace.

Our teachers are native Mandarin speakers with extensive experience in teaching Chinese. While we follow a structured curriculum for each language level, we also customize classes to meet student’s individual needs and provide opportunities for practical application of the material learned in class. We are passionate about teaching Chinese and strive to instill that same passion in our students.

Our Chinese dancing and martial arts classes began in November of 2009. Within a few short months, the students have reached a competitive level and have been invited to a series of performances at venues throughout the Boston area. In addition to these two classes, we will be offering more extracurricular classes in September (see Classes), many of which will also have performing opportunities.

Statement of Non-Discrimination
The Westwood Chinese School does not discriminate in providing services to children and their families based on race, religion, cultural heritage, political beliefs, handicap, or marital status.

WCS Executive Board 2024-2025

Principal Jieping Li 李捷萍
Vice Principal Yingzhuo Quan 权英卓
Operations Manager Xianli Wang 王显丽
School Assistant Yanfei Yang 杨燕飞
Treasurer Changlin Teng 滕长林
Technology Manager Bin Ji 计斌
Director of Educational Affairs Jiangdan Lin 林江丹