A Word of Thanks
Much thanks to Jenny Xue and her PTO team of parents for coordinating the Halloween parade!
11/3 and 11/10 – Come and Sharpen your Skills
To prepare students for the upcoming Poem Competition, we will be holding (2) practice sessions. Join us in A143 (classroom located in the hallway for bilingual classes) from 10:30 – 11:30 on 11/3 and 11/10
11/17 – College Planning Seminar with InGenius Prep
How to Develop a Competitive College Profile seminar presented in Chinese and English. Keynote speaker is Christopher Coleman, Former Admissions Officer at Drexel University and many other notable universities and colleges. Join us in A143 (classroom located in the hallway for bilingual classes) at 10:30. Click on the link for details http://www.westwoodcs.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/How-to-Develop-a-Competitive-College-Profile-by-InGenius-Prep-111719.pdf
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11/3 – Turn your clocks back
11/10 – Language teachers meeting
11/17 – College planning seminar