2019-2020 WCS Weekly Newsletter 14

12/22 and 12/29 – NO school, winter break

We want to wish all of our families and friends a Happy Holiday and Happy New Year!

12/15 – Bake Sale Sponsored by our Dance Team

Come and support our dance team! They are raising money for their trip to New York to compete in the finals of the Taoli World Dance Competition

Looking for Student Emcees to Host on 1/25/20 – CNY Talent Show

To support the leadership development of WCS students, the WCS PTO is pleased to provide (4) qualified students the opportunity to host the talent show during the annual Chinese New Year Celebration party. The party is scheduled for Sat., 1/25/2020 at Westwood High School starting at 4:00pm.  If you are interested, you can send an email to jpli.boston@gmail.com or wechat ID: ziweixingzuo before 12/22/2019.


1. Registered WCS student in the 5th grade and above.
2. Excellent communication skill in both Chinese and English.
3. Confidence on stage with good facilitation skill.
4. Comfortable in a collaborative environment and open minded to different ideas.
5. Committed to practice the material including self-practice and group practice. Some level of parent support is expected.
6. Have not previously hosted 2 times or more WCS New Year celebration or WCS year end show in the past 3 years

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7. PTO New Year Party Committee reserves the right to choose the four finalists

Chinese New Year Potluck sign up

Click on the link to share your favorite dish during the annual CNY celebration party scheduled for Sat., 1/25. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMxKDvv-j9srR56Qqmt2iXHinc6VYt2ER2weQqn6vEJfY0-Q/viewform

Mark your Calendars

1/19/20 – Speech Competition in each classrooms

1/25/20 – Chinese New Year celebration party

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