Welcome back to the 2nd semester of Chinese School
We hope everyone had the Happiest of Holidays and the Happiest of New Year! We are looking forward to seeing you as we begin to our second semester of classes
Congratulations to our dance winners of the Taoli Cup East Coast Finals
The East Coast Finals were held in New York on the weekend of 12/21 – 12/22
Mulan – Platinum Award
Miao Sisters – Platinum Award
1/12 – Seminar – Introduction to AARD Youth Science Research Projects
Speaker: Dr. Helen Zeng, PhD
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Chinese New Year Potluck sign up
Click on the link to share your favorite dish during the annual CNY celebration party scheduled for Sat., 1/25. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMxKDvv-j9srR56Qqmt2iXHinc6VYt2ER2weQqn6vEJfY0-Q/viewform
Mark your Calendars
1/19/20 – Speech Competition in each classrooms
1/25/20 – Chinese New Year celebration party