2019-2020 WCS Weekly Newsletter 19

CANCELLED! 2/2, Chinese School Language and all Extracurricular Classes

大家好,请看下面学校通知。鉴于一些家长对新型肺炎的担心,Westwood Chinese School 决定2月2号停课一次,将在4月份vacation week 补上。加上1月26号学校没有课,中文学校已经关闭两个星期。



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Out of an abundance of caution to prevent the potential spread of the coronavirus, Westwood Chinese School has decided to cancel classes on February 2 for the safety and well being of our students, families, faculty, and staff. The make up date for this class will be April 19 which is the start of April vacation.

During this period time, we encourage students to review previous materials or look at materials which would have been taught this Sun. Teachers may also assign work to keep students engaged with their lessons.

If you recently returned to the United States from the China, traveled to an outbreak area, or if you have a fever or cough, please follow the two-week quarantine period. Please inform the Principal, Yenchu Chen or Vice Principal, Jieping Li of any of the above. Thank you!

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