2020-2021 WCS Newsletter 6

Sunday, 5/9/21 – In lieu of our Annual Performance

Due to COVID-19, Westwood Chinese School  (WCS) has canceled its annual performances. The school and PTO have arranged time for teachers and students to meet each other, and the PTO will give out speech contest medals to the students. Please come to Westwood High School (WHS).

The address of WHS is 200 Nahatan St., Westwood, MA 02090.  When driving to the school’s entrance, please use the driveway keeping the football field on your left, you will drive by the Auditorium entrance on your right, and the Chinese School entrance is the next big entrance. Queue up along this curb.

Please come according to your designated time . . .

Grades 7, 8, 9: 1:00 PM

Grades 4, 5, 6 and respective bilingual classes: 1:30 PM

Grades K, 1, 2, 3 and respective bilingual classes: 2:00 PM

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Happy Mother’s Day!

大家好,明天是中文学校的年度汇演日,由于疫情影响,今年没有表演。学校和 PTO安排了学生和老师们在高中见面,并且PTO会在那里给学生们发放今年讲故事的奖杯和奖牌。提醒家长们按各班级老师邮件里通知的时间到高中。明天也是母亲节,祝所有的妈妈们节日快乐!

7, 8, 9年级: 1:00 PM

4, 5, 6年级: 1:30 PM

K, 1, 2, 3年级: 2:00 PM



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