Thank you everyone & have a great summer!

First of all, I would like to thank all the teachers and parents for your support over the years. Some teachers have been with us since the school’s inception, and some parents continue to help even after their children have entered college.

Thank you to our school management team and PTO members for your dedication and unwavering support. I am truly grateful for this!

I would also like to thank the youth teachers and teaching assistants. You have enabled the school to offer a variety of extracurricular courses and maintain orderly teaching despite the shortage of staff.

A special thank you to our students; your interest and participation are the reasons why our Chinese school prospers.

Furthermore, I want to thank those who have silently supported the Chinese school in various ways, including our administrative staff and volunteers. I sincerely appreciate your support and help!

Of course, I also thank my family. Without their support, I wouldn’t have dared to take on the responsibility of running the Chinese school, even with my passion for promoting Chinese culture.

The Chinese school depends on everyone’s support and help. Let’s continue to strive and make the Chinese school even better! Let’s use this platform to learn Chinese culture and progress together!

Parents, please remind your kids to do their summer homework and participate in the summer readathon. Here is the link to download a copy of the Readathon Log:

Thank you again, everyone! Have a great summer!

Jieping Li,

Principal of Westwood Chinese School 

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