大家好! 本周日10月27日,10:00-10:30AM Halloween Parade
1. 希望家长提前把小朋友的装束准备好,请不要带武器或兵器等尖锐的东西以免发生意外。
2 学生们在教室准备好后排队出教室,每个班都按顺时针方向到前台楼梯照相。
3 Goody bags:请各班TA从前台领取,带回各班发放。 非常感谢大家的支持和参与。 期盼一年一度的 Halloween Parade!
Hello everyone! This Sunday, October 27, from 10:00-10:30 AM, we’ll be having our Halloween Parade.
- Parents, please help your child prepare their costumes in advance. Kindly avoid bringing any weapons or sharp objects to prevent accidents.
- After students are ready in their classrooms, they will line up and exit the classroom, with each class moving clockwise to the front desk staircase for a photo.
Thank you very much for your support and participation. We’re looking forward to the annual Halloween Parade!
Goody Bags: TAs for each class, please pick up the goody bags from the front desk to distribute in the classrooms.
The parade order is listed in the table below.