Table of Contents
Adult Latin Beginner Class 拉丁初级班
Laying a solid foundation at the introductory stage is essential for mastering Latin dance in the future. This course will guide students through the fundamentals of Latin dance, gradually progressing to more advanced techniques. It aims to enhance fitness while preparing students to confidently showcase their skills on the dance floor when opportunities arise. No dance partner is required, as the course starts with individual movements. The course will be taught by Instructor Liu Tun.
Efficient Weigh Loss & Yoga 有氧减脂,塑身瑜伽课
Mandarin Chinese for Adults
Chinese language is spoken by one of every five people in the world and is becoming increasingly popular. Speaking and reading Mandarin Chinese are very easy because Chinese has no verb tenses, you can easily ask a question by add a “吗” (question word) at the end of each statement sentence. Meanwhile, each Chinese character has a relatively complete and clear meaning, which makes it easier to capture the main idea of a sentence and paragraph through appropriate training. This course would like to emphasize and learn daily expressions, such as Greetings, Family, Food, Color, Body, Feeling, Time, Weather, Transportation, Direction, Shopping, Dining, Sports and so on.
Ping Pong
Please click here to see more details of the class.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi promotes health, strength and relaxation. It is suitable for men and women of all ages because it is a slow, gentle and low-impact exercise. A long-term study by U.S. scientists concluded that Chinese Tai Chi is the one of most beneficial sport to human health on the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune system, and can also relieve nervous tension and reduce pressure and improve sleep quality.
太极,起源于中国,是武术更是身心兼修的东方式健身(mind-body exercise),被美国《时代》周刊称为“完美运动”。2022下半年,针对无基础的太极初学者将精选“16式太极拳”教授,这套拳涵盖了如白鹤亮翅、野马分鬃、搂膝拗步、单鞭、手挥琵琶、云手、揽雀尾等太极拳经典动作,尤其适合长期使用电脑、手机一族,能有效缓解颈椎、肩周不适;放松神经,改善睡眠,减轻快节奏生活带来的压力;兼具力量、有氧、柔韧特点,全面提高身体素质和免疫力。
Water Color Painting 水彩绘画班课程
- 铅笔和橡皮
- 水彩纸
- 粗线Sharpe or Marker
- 水彩
- 水彩刷
- Paper Tissue
- 报纸